Весна в разгаре. На дворе апрель - самый веселый месяц года!
Клуб любителей английского языка FIVE O’CLOK приветствует Вас и приглашает поучаствовать в ежегодном юмористическом конкурсе перевода веселых английских стихов- лимериков! Победитель конкурса получит ценный приз!
Конкурс объявлен с 15 марта по 15 апреля 2011. Работы предъявляются на кафедру общественных дисциплин в печатном и электронном варианте. 15 апреля последний срок предъявления переводов. Желаем удачи!
Рекомендации, требования к оформлению перевода и сами лимерики выставлены на нашем портале.
Лимерики для перевода:
There was a young man of Bengal
Who went to a fancy dress ball.
He decided to risk it
And went as a biscuit,
But a dog ate him up in the hall.
There was an old maiden from Fife,
Who had never been kissed in her life;
Along came a cat,
So she said, “I’ll kiss that!”
But the cat answered, “Not on your life!”
There was a dog-lover from Cork,
Who was taking his dog for a walk.
As it lifted its leg
He cried, “No, no, I beg.
Just think how the people will talk.
I sat next to the duchess at tea,
It was just as I feared it would be.
Her rumblings abdominal
Were simply phenomenal.
And everyone thought it was me!
An amoeba named Sam, and his brother,
Were having a drink with each other;
In the midst of their quaffing
They split their sides laughing
And each of them now is a mother.